City Departments: Police

Castle Rock Police Department

Chief Charlie Worley
141 "A" Street SW
P.O. Box 475
Castle Rock, WA 98611
(360) 274-4711 Business phone
In an emergency, dial 9-1-1

Police Clerk Renee Schuller


Additional available services are:
Fingerprint services provided on Thursday 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., or by appointment.
Cost is $10 – must live within City limits.

Concealed Weapons Permits:
Applicant must live in Castle Rock City limits.
$49.25 New permit
$32.00 Renewal
$10.00 Replacement
$42 To renew an expired permit

Police Reports: A public disclosure form must be filled out. These forms can be obtained from the Police Department. Expect a minimum of five days to process.

Volunteer opportunities: Applications are being accepted on an on-going basis for those interested in the Cadets and Reserve Officer Programs.